Image: Mural detail by D. Fichter. Street scenes by CitySource Inc.
Neighborhoods and Neighbors
Neighborhoods begin with the people who live in them. We've designed a set of tools to make it easy for you and your neighbors to create your own Neighborhood space.
Build Your Own Web Page
You can create or update your personal web page if you're registered as a CitySource Cambridge resident.
Visit the Neighbors
You can view your neighbors'web pages organized by neighborhood.
You can also post neighborhood events on the searchable Event Kiosk(TM) and link them to this area.
If you lead a neighborhood group and would like to host an online neighborhood meeting or run a online neighborhood bulletin board, contact the CitySource webmaster about testing our MeetingWeb(TM) software.
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A CitySource-designed area. See Local Creations for information on public art displayed in these pages. Send any questions or comments to
CitySource webmaster. All rights reserved.
A community service of CitySource Inc.
Content created by user remains the property and responsibility of user.