For FY95 the tax rates are as follows: (per thousand)
What does 100% of full and fair cash value mean?
The courts have defined this phrase to mean "current market value",
the price arrived at by a willing buyer and a willing seller, each
with a good knowledge of the market and each acting without undue
pressure or compulsion. Thus, in determining value, assessors seek
to approximate what property would sell for on the open market,
within an acceptable range of error.
How do I check ownership of property?
You can either (a) go in to the Assessor's Office to view the
Commitment Books for this information or (b) mail in a request for
information, with an inquiry fee of $1.00 per parcel. All
properties are listed by street name and number.
How do I check property valuation?
Same as above.
Do you have book and page reference?
This is a reference of a recording at the Registry of Deeds, where
a complete copy of the deed can be found.
Yes, the Assessor's Office lists a book and page reference on the current year's assessments and for most of the properties sold from the late 1980's on. Those not listed must be obtained at the Registry of Deeds. You will also need the year of the sale, and the name of either the buyer or the seller.
Can I find out when a property sold?
Yes, you can find this information listed by location for sales
which occurred from the early 1980's through most of the prior
The Assessor's Office usually does not have current sales data.
Do you have sales reports?
Yes, the Assessor's Office has sales reports, which are created
upon receipt of the transfers from the Registry of Deeds.
Can i view assessors maps?
Yes, you can view the maps in the Assessor's Office.
Where can I obtain a copy of assessing maps?
You can buy individual maps at the Engineer's Office at 147
Hampshire Street (Public Works Department), for a nominal fee.
What is the charge for purchasing copies of commitment books?
A complete set of Commitment Books can be purchased at the
Assessor's Office for * $325.00.
You can also order copies of the Commitment Books for 20 cents a page. The copies can be picked up at 11:00am and 3:00pm or they can be mailed to you with an additional fee for postage.
How do I change my mailing address for tax billing?
You must fill out a "mail address change" card. You can either do
this in person at the Assessor's Office or the card can be mailed
to you.
When do i file for overvaluation abatement?
You must file 30 days from the date printed on the original tax
bill or October 1st, whichever date is later.
However, you should ask yourself three questions before filing for an abatement:
Where do I file an abatement application?
You can file an application in either the Assessor's Main Office or
the Residential Division Office on the third floor of City Hall.
If my application is denied by the city do I have any recourse?
You can file for an appeal within 90 days to the:
State Appellate Tax Board (ATB) Saltonstall Building 100 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02202 (617) 727-3100.Call the ATB for an application. The application is not difficult, and the ATB is more than fair to homeowners. However, your hearing may not occur for a year or so.
You are appealing your assessment, not your taxes. Therefore, you must pay your taxes pending your appeal.
What happens if my abatement is approved?
You will receive a notice indicating the amount of the abatement
and the current status of your account.
How much was your assessment reduced? Divide the abatement by the tax rate.
Your abatement will normally be credited toward your Spring tax bill. If your abatement is granted after your Spring bill is sent, you will automatically receive a refund check in early June.