Motor Excise: Frequently asked Questions

What is motor vehicle excise tax?
It is an annual tax for the privilege of registration. Anyone who registers with Massachusetts license plates will be billed based on the information supplied to the Registry of Motor Vehicles on the registrant's application.

Who must pay?
Anyone with Massachusetts license plates.

What is the rate?
*The rate is $25.00 on the thousand. This is the standard rate for the entire Commonwealth.

How are vehicles valued?
Based on valuation rates set by the state, vehicles are valued as follows:

If you buy a 1995 car in 1994, the vehicle is valued at 50% for 1994, and the valuation then follows the above-stated rates, starting with 90% for the 1st year (1995).

You may qualify for an abatement when:

What information do I need to file with an abatement application?
You will need the following items: How are abatements figured?
Abatements are pro-rated monthly. The minimum tax is $5.00. Therefore, and abatement amount of less than $5.00 can not be granted.

Who qualifies for an exemption?
Those listed below qualify for an exemption.

When must I file for an abatement/exemption?
You must file by December 31st of the following year. If your tax bill is issued after December 1st of the following year, you have thirty days from the date of issue of your bill to file an application.

Where must I file for an abatement?
You can file either in person at the Assessor's Office or through the mail.

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