The Cambridge Employment Program
The Cambridge Employment Program [CEP] is a City of Cambridge funded initiative, administered by the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Department of Employment and Training in collaboration with Employment
Resources, Inc. The CEP offers free job matching services for job-ready Cambridge residents.
As a client of CEP, you will receive the following services:
- personalized counseling and attention
- assessment of your interests, skills and work/life history
- job leads in accordance with your individual profile
- an understanding of job specifications prior to referral
- the opportunity to participate in work-readiness activities
The different services are available continually throughout the year, from 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through
Friday. No application is necessary. You may walk in or call the Department of Employment and Training office
at Green Street and ask to speak with the CEP Coordinator.
To be eligible for services you must be a Cambridge resident.
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